Party Animals

Party Animals

Party Etiquette for Social Gatherings

Hello Cotton Stalkers! I told you all that I would be back sooner rather than later. Lately, here at our home, we've been having a lot of different parties and various social gatherings. While searching for party ideas, I came across the list of Do’s and Don’ts for party behavior. While this list was great for the most part, there were still several major party infractions not listed. At first I was like: It’ll be alright, but then the more I thought about some of the things that really burn my biscuits, the more I felt that it was really important to add to this list. Now that I was adamant about informing the world about proper party etiquette, all I had to do was to prepare myself physically and mentally for this most challenging task. I promptly oiled my muscles, donned my cape, and popped the top on my laptop. Although this isn't my complete list, it’s a “starter list” or you could even call it a “get invited back list.” So the following will be 5 reasons why you may be a social butterfly but not getting any social invites.

Uninvited Guests

If you are invited to an event, that doesn't mean you should in turn invite someone else. Unless your invitation has a plus one included, then please don’t take it upon yourself to bring additional guests. If you’re not sure about bringing additional people, please ask the host if additional guests are allowed.

Private Spaces

Once you have made it through the front door, be mindful of where the party is happening. Wherever the party is being held is where the “party borders” have been set. Even if you’re looking for the restrooms, ask the hosts exactly where they are and for permission to seek them out. The last thing you want your hosts to associate you with, is a person that snoops and rambles throughout their home.

Trash Bins

Now that the party is in full swing, and you've just finished your appetizer and drink, don’t leave your trash on tables and other surfaces. Just because you may not see a trash receptacle in your immediate sight, doesn't excuse you from being tidy and mindful of someone else’s home. These days many people recycle, so be sure to ask your guests where and how to discard of trash.

Wasting Food & Drinks

It’s very expensive to host parties and when the hosts are doing so without asking for any help (guests bringing additional dishes or beverages) the costs for just a small crowd can still be pretty high depending on what foods are being served. If you are not an adventurous eater or a person who likes to try new things, stick to what you know you already like. If you see something you would like to try, but you’re not sure what the ingredients may be, ask the hosts and explain you’re doing so because you don’t want to waste.

Carryout & Leftovers

Many times hosts prepare a lot of food so as to make their guests feel welcome to eat and enjoy themselves. Just because there is a lot of food doesn't mean that the leftovers are automatically for carryout plates and doggie bags. Many times people will eat light at the party and when it’s time to leave, they will pack away enough food to feed a small army. This is a sure fire way to not get invited to someone’s social gathering again. Stay mindful of the fact that your hosts have fed you a free meal and taken time out of their lives to entertain and fellowship with you, the next day they may not feel like cooking and coming up with more food the next day. The best rule of thumb is to eat sensibly while you’re there and when it’s time to leave, if the hosts don’t offer carryout plates then don’t assume to just make your own. Make sure to thank your hosts again before you leave because many times it can be the deciding factor on getting invited back again.

 As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog.  I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog.  I want you to feel like you’ve just come home every time you stop by.  So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…
If you have some topics that you would like to see discussed, then drop us a line on facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just be glad you did. Email Me:


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