She Get It From Her Mama
She Get It From Her Mama
What Motherhood Really Means
I don’t know exactly why, but
lately I have been constantly hearing this saying again and again. Being the person that I am, I really started
to think about this one day and POW!! This post was born….yes, yes it happened
just like that. Anywho, I started
thinking about the lyrics of the song and just how people relay actions to this
“should be old” phrase. So this post will ask you the question, what did you
get from your mama? Most people born
before the 90’s probably have warm and fuzzy feelings about their mom in the
kitchen cooking apple pies and serving it with ice cream on the top, after a
four course meal. I’m sad to report that that number has dropped significantly in
present times. Sorry younguns’ that train has left the station. So as I’m doing my daily news check, I run
across an article from
about this mother that doesn’t cook, presumably written by her daughter. My
mind starts to reminisce about all the life lessons I learned right in our
family kitchen. There were no granite
countertops or stainless still appliances, but there was a sense of responsibility
to pass something on from mother to child.
There was love and temperament in my mother’s eyes when she patiently
explained how to roll the dough for biscuits or how to season and batter
chicken so it would come out golden brown, with just the right amount of
flavor. While we were cooking, my mama used to talk about how after school, she
and my uncle had to pick cotton in the fields, gather eggs, and milk the cows, all before bedtime. Her storytelling always created a sense of
being, she made you feel like you were right where you were supposed to
be. Even though the work was hard, there
was a bountiful harvest to be had each and every night. I have often wondered how someone could pour
such a big love into such a small space. No matter where I go in my travels, how
bright the lights are, or how busy the traffic is, I can always think back to
that small kitchen and smile. Now don’t
get me wrong, I’m not saying there aren’t other ways of teaching your kids
things, but being able to set a plate in front of a loved one and have them not
only feel your love, but to taste it as well, is simply…PRICELESS.
As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time
out of your day to read this blog. I
would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog. I want you to feel like you’ve just come home
every time you stop by. So by all means,
come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…
If you have some topics that you would like to see
discussed, then drop us a line on facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by
email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just
be glad you did.
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