50 Shades of Clay

50 Shades of Clay

Created the Same, Evolved Differently 

Hey Cotton Stalkers! Today we’re going on a journey of epic proportions (well maybe not seriously epic but you get my point). I have given this topic quite a bit of thought. I understand that everyone has a story that is all their own, but we’re not talking about the story today, rather the journey. Many people have the same circumstances, yet their results differ. How can we be dealt identical hands and yet there still be a victor?  Over time, there have been many names for how situations play out in our lives: fate, destiny, karma, etc, but ultimately, are we not responsible for our own actions? When I was younger, I just couldn’t see the fascination that grown-ups had for babies! As far as I was concerned, they were spitty, germy, dirty, little attention seekers. Let’s not even talk about the crying! Those little buggers could reek havoc on your ear drums, never mind your psyche. As an adult, I now understand. Babies reflect the very best parts of humanity. There’s no malice or envy, no lies or deceit, no pride or prejudice, only genuine emotion.  Whether it be anger or happiness, the emotion is pure,  but most of all there is love and forgiveness. Children can argue and fight, yet still laugh and play not 5 minutes later. These attributes are lost to most of us in adulthood. Then there comes the transitioning stage, where we’re desperately trying to figure out who we are, what to do, and where we belong. We start to really take inventory of our environment and the people that surround us. We start to pick and choose all the things we do and don’t want from life. Some of our bff’s no longer fit the mold or don’t understand us anymore. We get more pressure from our parents to figure out some kind of plan, even though they’ve already mapped out our whole future since we mumbled our first words. Now we’ve finally made it to our destination, and although it feels good to finally be able to make a choice or two without having to answer a 21 question survey, it’s not quite what we thought it would be. We’re still looking for…MORE! So now that we’ve got a little partying in, rebelled a little, and gotten our first ink, we are officially and legally an adult! Although we can now party all night, we can’t do so without consequences.  The bills no longer come to Mommy and Daddy with a “PAID IN FULL” stamp, they come with our names on it and a “LATE NOTICE.” Since we had long ago envisioned the life we were destined for, now we only have to find a way to make it actually happen. If we could just get the right education, land the perfect job (preferably one that makes like a gazillion dollars a year), and get that sweet, sweet bachelor/bachelorette pad, then life would be perfect. If life really worked that way and right always won, then half the battle would be over. Unfortunately, the real world doesn’t cater to our childhood dreams. In the adult world problems that used to be someone else’s have now become ours as well. What happened to the days when our parents told us that if we did right by others, they would do right by us too? What happened to having a disagreement, and that being the end of it? What happened to your word being you bond? What do you do when everything you’ve been taught to believe in is being cast aside and frowned upon? Everything that used to be sacred, has become the tag lines of jokes. Living to the age of 30 has become a novelty. Love has become so fickle and something to be mocked at. The beautiful rainbow colors of our skin have become baiting tactics to strip each other bare. Parents are afraid to send their children anywhere!  Churches aren’t safe, schools aren’t safe, theaters aren’t safe, concerts aren’t safe, simple pleasures have been stolen from the masses. This is not the world we dreamed about. This isn’t what our ancestors died to protect. Unfortunately, this is the world we all live in, but it doesn’t have to continue to be this way. We may all be different shades of clay, but we can all be spun into a more beautiful work of art. We can do this by constantly evolving and reworking the weak parts, until they are made strong. We can be each other’s balm and work together to heal this war torn land. Be considerate, be understanding, be kind...and journey on!

I dedicate this to my sister Kizzy Hollis-Montgomery, who doesn’t have the slightest idea how amazing she is. She’s been a good child to my parents, a great sister to me, a loving wife to her husband, and the best friend any girl could ever ask for. I love you beyond this universe kid. Cotton Kisses!

As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog.  I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog.  I want you to feel like you’ve just come home every time you stop by.  So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…
If you have some topics that you would like to see discussed, then drop us a line on facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just be glad you did. Email Me: southernkiss@thecottondiaries.com


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