Bad Apple

Bad Apple
(Keeping up with the Jobses)

The other day I had to break down and check on ordering yet another charger cord for my IPad 4 (approx. 2 years old for the non-techies).   This is the 4th one I will have bought since I have had it.  Now to be fair, one of the cords was not Apple brand, but dang it, I got tired of shelling out $20+ for their chargers.  I know you're probably saying I could've just sent it back and invoked my warranty. Well my fellow Applelonians, I looked into that. The representative told me I could just order another one over the phone with her, then send my eye sore of a cable back, and then they would refund my money once they got the damaged cable back.  I guess this is somehow Apple's guarantee that they don't get cheated like they cheated you into believing you were investing in quality accessories.  Being a former electronics warranty representative myself, I asked her if this was the only option. Being the mega conglomerate that Apple is, she smoothly replied, "no, of course not!" Hope sprung into my little heart so quickly and I smiled so hard that I created a dimple on one cheek.  With a smile in my voice and love in my heart I asked, "What is the other option?" She asked me to give her a few seconds.  I sat quietly, grinning like a maniac already savoring my victory; while she deftly pecked away on her keyboard, thereby impressing me with her efficiency. She returns and says that I can take it to my local store and trade it in.  I pumped my fist in the air like Rocky did when he made it to the top of those iconic stairs. I happily told her "great!" Because I had a store right around the corner, an official AT&T store, that sold everything Apple made.  Then she said in her cheerful, professional voice, "oh no ma'am, it has to be an official Apple Store and it seems the closest one to you is approximately 100 miles away.  Then she proceeds to tell me that maybe someone could take it the 100 miles for me.  Alas, I was left with the choices of:1) paying them again to send me another cord, then wait for a refund, or 2) paying more in gas than the cord was worth.  Now you may be saying that this was more of a company policy issue, but really that was not my only complaint.  After checking out other sources, it seems other people feel the same way. I also often wonder if anyone else feels like they can never keep up with Apple products, from the unwanted add-ons included in the updates, to the just bought hardware losing value so fast! I mean you pay anywhere from $400 to over $1000, and in less than the time it takes to have a baby, it goes to being worth less than half of the purchase value. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for innovation and the next big thing, but you get the new product to have the latest design and sleekness, only to have them partially revert back to what was just changed about the one you purchased, thus putting it on the road to being obsolete.  Therefore my fellow Applelonians, I bow out gracefully. I finally understand why there was only one bite off the apple, they couldn't afford a second one. 

As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog.  I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog.  I want you to feel like you’ve just come home every time you stop by.  So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…

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