Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey

Giving Thanks

Hello Turkeys! As a major holiday is now knocking at our door, we have an official license to scramble and fret, to sigh in exhaustion, while secretly loving the excitement, and to finally admit that last year’s turkey was dryer than the Sahara desert in drought season! But not to worry, this year that turkey is going to be succulent and juicy! Hint: that bird has got butter and basting juices in places it didn’t even know existed. While we are genuinely smiling at our kids, while they play, or smiling at our old, nagging aunt while we envision pushing her off a very steep and rocky cliff and waiting for the explosion, we are still surrounded by family and friends for the most part that we love…or kinda like?  This holiday season, remember those that aren’t so fortunate.  We don’t always have to look for homeless people when talking about helping someone (although there is definitely nothing wrong with that). There are more lonely people right around us that no one ever notices. There are recent or not so recent widowers who may find it exceedingly hard during the holidays, or parents who have lost children, or many other circumstances that happen to people everyday. If you don’t have a lot to spare just set one extra plate on the table and invite someone over to share in your families festivities. In the case that someone can’t or won’t come to your dinner, take them a plate. Every year after dinner, most of the food is thrown out because we’ve had our fill of it, but someone didn’t get any and they don’t live on the other side of the world, they’re right here, and that gives all of us the opportunity to make a difference. This year I challenge you to show compassion and to be thoughtful of others. So this year let your turkey roam free, let that bird be wild indeed! From my family to yours HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog.  I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog.  I want you to feel like you’ve just come home every time you stop by.  So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…

If you have some topics that you would like to see discussed, then drop us a line on facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just be glad you did. Email Me: southernkiss@thecottondiaries.com



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