Product Reviews


Hello Cotton Stalkers! *In case you don’t know what this means please refer to the new Youtube video entitled: Be A Cotton Stalker. We are adding product reviews to our lineup! *The crowd goes wild with applause, the roar is deafening* We are about to go on a journey of epic proportions! Okay, maybe not that epic, since it has been done before, BUT IT HASN’T BEEN DONE BY US! Now before you start crying and wailing in defeat, about the possible loss of our butter/biscuit quality time being lost, we have worked out a plan that will give everything fair play. See? Don’t you feel better now? Don’t be ashamed, when I was first trying to come up with some kind of balancing act, I found myself in a dark room, rocking back and forth slowly, while flipping the light switch on and off repeatedly…then I grabbed a Fruit Roll-Up and a cartoon-themed cup of Kool-Aid and Voila!...a plan was born! The schedule will be something like this: 2 diary entries a week as usual, and 1 product review (when there is new product to review).  I will show you the product unused so you can see exactly what we saw upon delivery of said product.  I will also have live links to where you can go check out any recommended products for yourselves. You will also be able to see some live demonstrations on our Youtube Channel (The Cotton Diaries), we will be squeezing a lot of product into a very short time frame for the videos, because who wants to watch an hour video? Umm…NOBODY THAT’S WHO! Now that we have all that figured out let’s take a moment to rock out to some sweet, sweet head banging music! *Proceeds to properly head bang* Ok now that we’ve got that out of our system, I will now take some headache medicine and finish sipping this Kool-Aid very slowly, while the room slowly comes back into focus. Note to self: Don’t head bang again.


We requested samples from Natu for review and they promptly replied (we were referred by Krista,who is awesome, you can find her here: Freebies & Samples by CoCo). They were very thorough as far as making sure we got the best product that would work for the specified hair type. I asked for something for previous/present color treated hair with emphasis on dry hair. We were sent 2 samples of Professional Colorist Shampoo and Conditioner. To be a fair judge, I used the product alone and added no other product. I did notice that my hair had more elasticity and definitely more moisture. I always have OCD when it comes to split ends from lack of moisture, and I noticed that my ends were smoother and very unnoticeable. Overall I would recommend Natu to anyone looking for preventative or corrective regiment for their hair. I was also pleasantly surprised to find NATU on Twitter and Instagram, because they really have their "ears to the street", finding out what people in the hair care community are wanting and needing from their hair care routines. Check them out here NATU!

NATU Professional Colorist Shampoo & Conditioner


We requested a sample from Biossance for review and they were very kind and prompt as well.  Biossance was actually quite a surprise, because I really thought it was going to be a “One Size Fits All” kind of deal. This was so not the case! When you request a sample, you actually take a very short questionnaire so they can tailor a product to fit you. They do have a universal serum called the Revitalizer (this is the one I tried).  I think the closest word I can give to describe this serum would be pure silk. It’s not greasy or oily, it’s very soft and feels so elegant yet natural on your skin.  When you go onto the site they explain what all the products do and how you can be impacted by the product. This isn’t some overnight fling, Biossance takes you on a 30 day journey to finding a better, more natural, and healthier you. I definitely recommend taking this journey, you can find Biossance here: BIOSSANCE

BIOSSANCE Revitalizer Serum


We were referred to free offer via This is a site where you sign up to receive the daily free or deeply-discounted offers. Most days there are new deals and freebies, but sometimes there are the same offers. The thing that we liked about this site is that when they say that the product has been sent out, you really do receive the product, and in the case that you don’t, it’s not due to the website, it’s due to the product’s company not following through. We would recommend using this site overall, but a word of warning: you can get A LOT of emails! This may annoy some, as it may invigorate others looking for the thrill of getting freebies. The Jiffy recipe book was a lot better than we had originally thought it would be.  Personally I thought of a lot of different muffins and cornbread! Surprisingly, there was pizza recipes, pancake recipes (the fancy ones!), and you guessed it…MUFFINS! I would get this free book, because you really can’t beat the type of recipes that you have access to and the pictures are very vibrant.  Click here to get your copy: JIFFY RECIPE BOOK.

Jiffy Recipe Book


We received Listerine through Crowdtap (click the link to sign up). This is a website where you take surveys about likes and dislikes in order to be linked to the products that best suit your buying tastes. I am in love with Crowdtap, because once your profile is complete, it doesn’t take long to start receiving products to review. They also give very clear and easy to understand directions so you know what is expected of your reviewing of the product. Keep in mind you do have to state you received a product either free/discounted for review.  We received the Listerine Cool Mint Mouthwash, and it’s no wonder Listerine has been a leader in the dental hygiene sector for so long, they simply sell great products that work! When we received the Listerine Cool Mint, we actually had another name brand mouthwash that was being used in the home. In order to give a fair and proper review, I used the current mouthwash on one morning and took note of the tastes, feelings after use and how it either did or didn’t work as well as stated in product description. The next morning I used Listerine Cool Mint and honestly there was no comparison! Now I will say that Listerine does pack quite a punch in the burning department, but when compared to how much fresher my breath stayed during the day without using mints and gums every hour, it was a small price to pay.  I also noted that your teeth stayed cleaner longer, even after eating heavy meals or having teeth staining drinks, you could still smile and have confidence in the product that you used that morning.  I would definitely recommend using this mouthwash to have a more confident feeling throughout the day and a healthier mouth.

Listerine Cool Mint Mouthwash


We received Curel Itch Defense Body Wash and Lotion again through Crowdtap.  We received one (1) packet of Itch Defense Body Wash and one (1) packet of itch Defense Lotion, along with coupons for $1.50 off Curel Itch Defense Spray (which we did not try), and $1.00 off any Curel Skincare product *excluding any travel size products*.  This product has been accepted by the National Eczema Association (click the link to find out more about eczema). I will say that the Curel Itch Defense Lotion was a definite win, because it truly helped with the itching associated with severe dry skin or skin conditions. I cannot, in good faith, give such props to the body wash. The sample that was sent out wasn’t enough to give a proper review on, and if companies aren’t concerned enough of their consumers opinions to send adequate samples by which to be judged, then I have a duty to my readers/audience to relay that information. Even if I wanted to wash a child in the body wash, it would’ve had to be an infant, therefore my review will be withheld on said product.  

Curel Itch Defense Body Wash and Lotion

As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog.  I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog.  I want you to feel like you’ve just come home every time you stop by.  So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…

If you have some topics that you would like to see discussed, then drop us a line on facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just be glad you did. Email Me:

DISCLAIMER* I have received these products free or at discounted prices in exchange for my review, however, all opinions are 100% my own.


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