Destiny Untold
Destiny Untold
Embracing Your Destiny
As children, we have dreams of how our lives are going to turn out. We’re going to do things that others have never thought of. Our first conquest is just to grow up, so we’ll be able to make our own rules. No more of you gotta do this or you gotta do that. No, not us, we’re going to prove the naysayers wrong. Some of us coast through life and take whatever it gives us, and make the best of that situation, never looking for more. Some of us buck the system altogether, no restraints, living out loud. Then there are some of us who struggle to find where we belong, because we never quite feel at home where we’re at, these are the ones that hurt the most. One of the hardest things to go through in life, is not being able to explain to self, who you are, what you’re meant to do, and where you’re going. How can you explain to others what you don’t know yourself? This is where things can become blurry, because you can feel like quitting and trying something new. This may be what you feel like you have to do, but before you change tracks, remember; someone else’s journey doesn’t have to be yours. A lot of times we base our decisions on someone else’s wins or fails. Just because that person(s) did or didn’t succeed, doesn’t mean the same will happen for you. Many times we quit before time because we are afraid of failing. Many of us think that if we quit first, then that will lessen the shame of defeat. Thomas Edison said, “Many of life's failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” There are many of the world’s richest people who started out doing what was expected, but didn’t find extraordinary wealth, until they were doing what they loved. Remember, your path is yours alone to travel, no one can do it for you. I dedicate this post to all who may feel lost or trapped in a situation, be steadfast. Find what makes you happy, because the only thing you can’t get more of, is time…spend yours wisely.
I dedicate this to my little cousin Naiya, who is learning to walk her own path. Walk beautifully, my Nubian Princess, you hail from a proud line. Cotton Kisses!
As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog. I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog. I want you to feel like you’ve just come home every time you stop by. So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…
If you have some topics that you would like to see discussed, then drop us a line on facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just be glad you did. Email Me:
Embracing Your Destiny
As children, we have dreams of how our lives are going to turn out. We’re going to do things that others have never thought of. Our first conquest is just to grow up, so we’ll be able to make our own rules. No more of you gotta do this or you gotta do that. No, not us, we’re going to prove the naysayers wrong. Some of us coast through life and take whatever it gives us, and make the best of that situation, never looking for more. Some of us buck the system altogether, no restraints, living out loud. Then there are some of us who struggle to find where we belong, because we never quite feel at home where we’re at, these are the ones that hurt the most. One of the hardest things to go through in life, is not being able to explain to self, who you are, what you’re meant to do, and where you’re going. How can you explain to others what you don’t know yourself? This is where things can become blurry, because you can feel like quitting and trying something new. This may be what you feel like you have to do, but before you change tracks, remember; someone else’s journey doesn’t have to be yours. A lot of times we base our decisions on someone else’s wins or fails. Just because that person(s) did or didn’t succeed, doesn’t mean the same will happen for you. Many times we quit before time because we are afraid of failing. Many of us think that if we quit first, then that will lessen the shame of defeat. Thomas Edison said, “Many of life's failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” There are many of the world’s richest people who started out doing what was expected, but didn’t find extraordinary wealth, until they were doing what they loved. Remember, your path is yours alone to travel, no one can do it for you. I dedicate this post to all who may feel lost or trapped in a situation, be steadfast. Find what makes you happy, because the only thing you can’t get more of, is time…spend yours wisely.
I dedicate this to my little cousin Naiya, who is learning to walk her own path. Walk beautifully, my Nubian Princess, you hail from a proud line. Cotton Kisses!
As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog. I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog. I want you to feel like you’ve just come home every time you stop by. So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…
If you have some topics that you would like to see discussed, then drop us a line on facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just be glad you did. Email Me:
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