Pancake Surprise

Pancake Surprise

Making Delicious Memories One Pancake at A Time

Hey Cotton Stalkers! Today I’m baring my soul to the world. I’m laying it all on the table. I’m throwing myself on the mercy of the court! Okay, may be that last one was a bit of a stretch, but nevertheless, I’m coming clean and confessing one of my deep dark secrets. Are you ready? Can you handle it? Of course you can’t handle it! But I can’t keep living this lie…*wails in an overly dramatic fashion* I EAT PANCAKES FOR SUPPER! Are you happy now?! I've said it. I've admitted it. It’s the truth! *YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH* I apologize in advance for these two personalities fighting in my head. I want to live in the light and eat healthy, nourishing suppers but sometimes the dark rises up in me and I can no longer fight it. It’ll start off with small hints: sweet wisps of vanilla on the breeze, a pat of butter sizzling in a pan, an empty pan in the dishwasher… Before I know it, I've succumbed to the dark side and I have a mixing bowl in my hand while I furiously mix the batter to a smooth and perfect consistency. Now a lot of you have just walked away from your device, riddled in disgust. You’re asking yourself: “how could I stoop so low and then come out of the butler’s pantry with this confession?” Well until you've been at the top of a hot, delicious stack of buttermilk pancakes and have slid down those Mrs. Butterworth’s slippery slopes, then DON’T JUDGE ME! Once I had finally set down and started enjoying my whimsical supper, I realized that I was happily reminded of my childhood and the meals that my mother would prepare for us. The entire time I was eating, I was constantly having to choose between chewing and smiling (I think I caught cramps in my cheeks). When you come to think of it, how can you not smile? Supper-time is usually that final meal that signals the end of a usually tiring and hard fought day. Parents are trying to feed the children and prepare everything for the next day as well, while still trying to make sure that the children can fill them in on their day. I noticed that while my family was eating pancakes that the sometimes self-absorbed attitudes we sometimes have, were replaced by free-flowing, face-to-face conversations.  While we may not eat pancakes every night, I sure appreciated that night we did.
Whether you want to make your pancakes from scratch or use a box mix, I have included a link to a delicious, yet simple pancake recipe. Enjoy! Good Old Fashioned Pancakes Recipe

As I come to a close, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog.  I would say “my blog” but I feel like it’s “our” blog.  I want you to feel like you've just come home every time you stop by.  So by all means, come in, take your shoes off, and let’s talk for a while…
If you have some topics that you would like to see discussed, then drop us a line on Facebook, a tweet on Twitter, a letter by email, or note tied to a carrier pigeon’s foot…however you reach us, we’ll just be glad you did. Email Me:


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